Hilma's ghost

The Fool starts at the beginning, a wandering lark. They inhabit a world of freedom, of unlimited potential and possibility.
Reversed, the Fool is feckless.
The Fool starts at the beginning, a wandering lark. They inhabit a world of freedom, of unlimited potential and possibility. The Fool steps off the cliff: there is an uncanny levity, a sense of floating into the realm of a silvery moon. Madness is always anchored in a simple quest for the world. Fall freely, and let the abyss mold you.
Reversed, the Fool is feckless.
The Fool starts at the beginning, a wandering lark. They inhabit a world of freedom, of unlimited potential and possibility. The Fool steps off the cliff: there is an uncanny levity, a sense of floating into the realm of a silvery moon. Madness is always anchored in a simple quest for the world. Fall freely, and let the abyss mold you.
Reversed, the Fool is feckless.
The Fool starts at the beginning, a wandering lark. They inhabit a world of freedom, of unlimited potential and possibility. The Fool steps off the cliff: there is an uncanny levity, a sense of floating into the realm of a silvery moon. Madness is always anchored in a simple quest for the world. Fall freely, and let the abyss mold you.
Reversed, the Fool is feckless.

A maverick is numbered One, a universal seed awaiting its dawn. The magician says, “Anything is possible!” The world is yours, and it lays bare open.
Reversed, the hand is empty.

Material and light. Body and stars. Divine. Feminine. All that is sacred is hidden from view, and held within a womb. Unfold the darkness.
Reversed, there is a moonless night.

Gilded beauty, the feminine principle: a womb birthed. Share in natural plenitude, and give of it generously to others.
Reversed, I am not myself. I have a lack.

They are Father, a figure of moral authority.
Reversed, I am full of scorn. An ego runs amok.

I look inward for my kingdom. I am not alone.
Reversed, I withdraw from a barren world.

Spirit comes thus. Tradition brings stability and belonging.
Reversed, ideology will be the doom.

Lovers: a bridge crossed between two shores that have always known each other.
Reversed, there is a lack of faith.

My chariot wills me to the fore, I am unstoppable.
Reversed, I have lost my way.

My vulnerability is my strength. Hear within it, the resilience of my heartbeat, quietened by a hand that guides it knowingly.
Reversed, my roar is hidden in a whisper.

A cycle is complete, another one starts. I move towards that which is destined for me.
Reversed, the wheel breaks me.
I return to complete a turn.

I seek fairness and truth, and it seeks me.
Reversed, the devil may care.

I surrender to the wind; the wind harnesses a pause. I let go.
Reversed, I don’t know which way is up.

I find death in a word
The word is the beginning
I transition to the next
But I am not an end
Reversed, I refuse to accept my death; even if life blooms in the crater. All the flowers have died.

A bloodthirst lust on the precipice, titillates my every feverish desire. I am haunted by what I need and want, and want and need.
Reversed, I sink into the deep, not drowning, but surfacing to a float. I greet my shadow.

The water gazes back at me, a reflection of my visage. My twin reveals a mirror. Two parts make a whole. There is balance.
Reversed, I am discombobulated. I must align with the center. Meditate.

I bask in the sun’s rays feeling my naked thigh against my chest, and heave into pleasure, unabated.
Reversed, I am burned. Instead, play.

Fear is an impenetrable tower, an awakening so profound, my body is in heat.
Reversed, I resolve to undo, and be undone.

From the ashes, emerges new life. Slowly, at first. I begin again from hope.
Reversed, I roam free from other stars.

If everything is false, what is really true? Call upon the tides of the moon. A time to venture inward and create spells.
Reversed, there is delirium.

I am reborn unto this world, free of the shackles that bound my former birth.
Reversed, I do not rise.

All worlds are now complete. You have ventured, you have won.
Reversed, there is no closure without completion.

Your cup runneth over.
Reversed, emotions are repressed. Intuition can break the spell.

I land in a forsaken place, abandoned and alone. From this place, I cannot escape. But I start running all the same.
Reversed, I drift toward a foreign place.

I am afraid of failure. Pessimism engulfs me in gloom.
Reversed, I surrender; a missive arrives. I move forward on a bullet.

Intuitive messages come to me; I am full of playful streaks of curiosity. I am creative.
Reversed, I doubt my intuition. Creative blocks emerge.

I reevaluate my circumstances; my apathy guides me inward.
Reversed, I am cocooned in a shell. A grain of sand wraps itself around me. I retreat to the water’s edge.

I am in the divine flow; I am caring, stable, intuitive, compassionate.
Reversed, I am codependent. Replenish spirit, to be in the flow.

I am emotionally balanced, compassionate, and diplomatic.
Reversed, I am moody, and prone to emotional manipulation.

The world is maya. Illusion. I engage in wishful thinking.
Reversed, my choices overwhelm me; I lose sight of my personal values. Re-center.

Imagination, charm, and beauty.
Reversed, I overthink. I am unrealistic about my achievements; I wane with jealousy.

There was a time, happiness floats, the boat to childhood, and back again.
Reversed, I live in the past; I am unable to forgive myself.

I have gratitude for all my wishes that have come true. I am content; satisfied.
Reversed, I overindulge in whim and fancy. My dissatisfaction leads me down narrow pathways.

I am in a state of perpetual bliss. I have found divine love; it dances drunkenly around me, like an enchanted bird.
Reversed, I struggle in my relationships. I am disconnected from Source; the silver lining disappears behind a cloud.

A confluence of C’s: celebration, creativity, collaborations.
Reversed, Bacchus has free reign; three may also be a crowd.

Two equals shake a sturdy hand. An unbreakable trust; friendship. Even love, of any kind.
Reversed, distrust rules the land; the handshake has dissolved.

A breakthrough signals clarity.
Reversed, there are clouds.

I hold myself back.
Reversed, I let go.

I must win at all costs.
Reversed, I make amends.

A new idea sparks, a thirst for knowledge; new horizons.
Reversed, there is haste. Slow down.

Rest. Recuperate. Find your center.
Reversed, there is stagnation.

I make my boundaries clear; my communication is direct.
Reversed, I am a cold-hearted snake.

I am the king of kings. I rule with my head, and not my heart.
Reversed, I may misuse my power.

Someone has been betrayed.
Reversed, my secrets gnaw at me.

My ambition knows no bounds; but sometimes, I miss my mark.
Reversed, my impulses burn me out.

There are changes afoot.
Reversed, there is unfinished business.

Illusions dance behind my eyes.
Reversed, fear grips me in a cold sweat.

Deep wounds, and loss.
Reversed, these old wounds are buried deep.

Splintered heart. A world of sorrow.
Reversed, there is a release. Forgiveness follows.

An impasse leads to avoidance; difficult decisions must be made.
Reversed, there is stalemate.

An opportunity, a manifestation, or an insight.
Reversed, an opportunity lost.

Master of trades.
Reversed, I attain perfection, but quiver at its mercy.

I share my riches; because I know it will come back to me.
Reversed, my debts become the sea and the sea engulfs me.

I manifest a financial opportunity. I seek new skills to harness.
Reversed, I procrastinate. Progress eludes me.

I am in control of my finances.
Reversed, my greed unleashes a tsunami.

I am a leader in business; I am secure and abundant.
Reversed, obsessing over wealth and status.

I find solace in my routines. I work hard.
Reversed, I am feeling stuck. I have nowhere left to go.

All my kin are replenished at my womb.
Reversed, I nourish myself.

I persevere. My long-term view leads to an accrual of investments.
Reversed, I pursue short-term gratification.

I share my riches; because I know it will come back to me.
Reversed, my debts become the sea and the sea engulfs me.

I know how to collaborate with others and work in a team.
Reversed, I am out of alignment with myself.

I am managing my time; I know what my priorities are and I adapt accordingly to changes.
Reversed, I am overwhelmed

I am financially independent; I can afford luxuries.
Reversed, I question my self-worth. I hustle to make a living.

Wealth comes to me. I am financially secure. My investments in my family and long-term future are paying off.
Reversed, I am in the belly of the beast.

Opportunities flow into my life. The potential for growth is vast.
Reversed, I lack direction. There are unforeseen delays.

Changes are afoot which call for agility and action.
Reversed, you are resisting change.

There is tension. Disagreements abound.
Reversed, there is avoidance.

A social butterfly with grit, courage, and determination. Truly, a warrior queen.
Reversed, she turns inward to locate a sense of self.

Joy and harmony envelop my life. I am relaxed. There is kinship.
Reversed, there is conflict with others; a likely transition plays out.

Blazing forth passion and inspired action; but weight adventure against impulsive means
Reversed, energies are scattered like torn bits of paper in the wind

Courage and persistence pay off. This is a test of faith.
Reversed, you are defensive; maybe even a tad paranoid.

There is a challenge to your authority; a competition on the horizon. Ask for protection, and persevere.
Reversed, you are exhausted.

Success has arrived! You are being recognized for your achievements, and your self-confidence blooms.
Reversed, there is a fall from grace.

You have taken on new responsibilities. Work hard to complete your project or task.
Reversed, you think you can do it all. Enlist help.

There is expansion resulting from foresight; a possible trip overseas.
Reversed, I am a teeny tiny beetle. I forget my own power.

I am in the process of discovery. I make plans for the future, and progress.
Reversed, a lack of plans leads to a fear of the unknown.

This fellow is bursting with ideas; they want to soar with limitless potential into the skies.
Reversed, these ideas have the mark of amateurism. Dig deeper to unleash the free spirit of the page.

A natural born leader; a visionary or an entrepreneur borne of honor.
Reversed, there is ruthless haste, or a hasteful ruthlessness. High expectations that are never met.